Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Frank Rich: Bono's New Casualty: 'Private Ryan' & The New Reality.

Here is more coverage of the censorship of "Saving Private Ryan". The New York Times > Arts > Frank Rich: Bono's New Casualty: 'Private Ryan' (registration required).

I recommend that people read this to get a better understanding about the Censorship being imposed on the masses. The bad thing is that most people don't realize this is happening. One day, people will wake up and realize that they are that much less free and it is too late to have these freedoms restored.

Freedom is being eroded in this country, and the questionable electoral victory by the right wing has now put freedom on the run. Read Frank Rich's article. READ to preserve your freedoms.

Friday, November 19, 2004

NewsCentral.tv (Censorship & propaganda)


This is the pathetic little entity, that NOT only censors news, but also slants it any which way it wants. Two days ago, I watched an attempt from them to explain why the US government recognized F.Y.R.O.M. with its constitutional name, a name that is not accepted by neighboring country Greece (Hellas to those of us in the "know").

I am going to have more about this action later. But my post today is about the way "NewsCentral" slants the news. You know, in totalitarian regimes this is called "Propaganda". I find it hard to believe that most Americans can not believe that "Propaganda" can happen in the USA. It is what happens when the WOOL is PULLED over peoples eyes, and when most people are too fat, dumb and happy to know any different.

People who are not involved, who are not informed and who make no attempt to "know" are condemned to live in ignorance, even as their country crumbles around them.

I will have more about the US unilateral decision later, but for now, be assured, we the "Sons of Alexander" are paying attention. And we have fought too long, and too hard for the freedom of the Hellenic nation to allow US imperialism to dictate to us. And as for all the various propaganda arms of the US Christian Dictatorship now in place, we will continue to point out their untruths and distortions and their propaganda. People MUST BE INFORMED.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Censorship in America


Censorship in America is alive and well. Here is a letter I wrote to my local ABC affiliate (and copied to ABC programming):

"Dear Michelle,

As a loyal viewer of Channel 2 (WKRN-TV) and numerous ABC programs (including "LOST"), I was very disappointed with the decision of Young Broadcasting and Channel 2 on 11 November 2004 to not broadcast "Saving Private Ryan". I have seen this movie a number of times, including the two previous times that Channel 2 broadcast it (as well as when it first came out in the theater), and I do not find it offensive.

I have a number of family members who are veterans and have participated in Wars (WWII and Korea), and my grandfather who retired as a general from the military and fought in WWI. They taught me that war is "hell" and not what some movies depict. "Saving Private Ryan" is a movie that very aptly depicts the tragedy and pain of war. Regardless of any language, or violence depicted, it accurately portrays what veterans experienced.

I am also saddened by your decision because it smacks of Censorship. Fortunately, we still live in a democracy, and any steps to censor or limit free speech like this MUST be met with resolve and resistance, otherwise we will travel down the slippery slope of thought control which quickly leads to Dictatorship. No, I do not want to live in a Dictatorship, as my parents escaped one to come to this country. And I try, where I can, to voice my support for free speech and democracy.

In fact, I would have written earlier this year, when you guys went OFF the air during the broadcast of "Nightline" in an episode where they read the names of dead soldiers in the War in Iraq. I think, this was a wonderful tribute, but as I tuned my TV to Channel 2 to watch it, the picture went OFF the air.

I am saddened and disappointed by the stance of Young Broadcasting and Channel 2 on these two programs. I feel that you have taken the first steps towards censorship and thought control of the audience. I will continue to support democracy and allowing ALL sides to be heard. Many have fought for that right, and it must be defended. I will also make sure to issue a complain to the FCC about the censorship your station has enforced on those two programs.

Thank you for your time.


Does it matter? Yes! We must keep our voices heard, else Democracy will disappear from America, and then the rest of the World will join the US empire. It all matters.

Democracy is Dead in America

If you have not seen (or heard) this story, you must:

U.S. Detainee Abuse Cases Fall Through the Cracks.

It makes for some interesting reading (or listening, if you caught the story on NPR). This is not a sign of the apocalypse, but yet, it is troubling, that this country that values the law, order, human rights, civil rights, can just do this to anybody. This is why I am against the Patriot Act, and why, as a first step, I am considering moving to a blue state.

Am I afraid for my life and my freedom here in the midst of "Red America"? You bet your sweet life, I am.

I am afraid to speak. I have already had people here, in my workplace, laugh at me because I voted for Kerry. Imagine that! Laughing at somebody because of how they voted.

Yes, this is the America we live in, this is the country that is trying to force Democracy on the rest of the World, and YET, does not practice Democracy at home.

I am afraid....
...a lot more was lost in the election than the presidency;
...civil rights will disappear;
...the Christian jihad will go after anyone who does not believe like they do;
...And, that the 59 million Americans will harass and punish the other 56 million of us.

I am afraid that it all matters and we're in serious trouble in America.

Act, do something, get involved, don't let this happen.

Friday, November 05, 2004

A new social revolution

I live in a "red" state. I actually hold dear many of the principles that people from the "red" states used as their reasoning for voting for George W. Bush. But, I feel so strongly that these people from the "red" states are wrong, that I am considering moving to a "blue" state or out of the country completely.

In the 1960s, a social revolution took hold of this country and transformed it (or did it?) Black people got their civil rights, and could, at last start living as equal and free citizens of this country. And guess what, one of the leaders of that movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, was a preacher that also upheld these morals, or values that people from "red" states are talking about.

In addition, a segment of the population in the 1960s, succeeded in turning the tide against an unjust war that was killing hundreds of American children on a daily basis. I have often read about that period, that what appeared as a majority movement, was actually, anything but. However, everyone thought that there was "change in the air." We were conquering space, and vaccines were eliminating diseases like polio. Meanwhile, social change was happening, and people were prospering. There was indeed a spirit of renewal.

Since that time a two headed type of backlash has occurred. First, a lot of the people who actually participated in the most visible part of the "revolution", the youth movement, grew up, and either became part of the real world, died of drug overdoses or decided to raise a family -- there is something about that, that changes you. Additionally, changes in the world at large made many issues mute, or damped them down enough over the years that the social scene changed. Those world changes were the rise of terrorism in the world, a 30 year phenomenon now, the importance of oil in world affairs and the rise of the corporate giants, whether multinationals or conglomerates, along with its attendant rise in consumerism.

The "baby boomer" generation wanted a house, with 2.3 kids and 4.3 cars/SUVs in the driveway. Going up the corporate ladder was also the goal for many. In the 1980s, we witnessed the rise of yuppies (Young Urban Professionals) and their ascent into power. We also witnessed the creation of a power elite. I will talk about the power elite at a latter time. But for now, suffice it to say, that the boom times of the 1980s and 1990s would not have happened if these factors had not intervened. But it is also these same factors that helped create the political landscape of today, and nobody in the media is talking about that.

In my college years, I had an amazing history professor who taught me a lot of how the world functions, based on how history has shaped events. One of his principles was that the rise of a middle class in the west created the impetus for change across the western world, and brought about freedom and democracy, sometimes through blood (France and the United States come to mind during the 1780s), but also through gradual change (Great Britain and the transition from Empire to a monarchy). It is also this absence of a middle class that could have the opposite effect (the rise of communism in the 1900s).

In the 1960s therefore, in the United States, we began to see the transformation of the country. The question for me today is what the shape of that transformation was? Did the social revolution of the 1960s affect the middle class in a progressive fashion, or was it a stimulus for the adoption of values that the parents of the 45-60 million baby boomers held? Transformations can also have the reverse effect that they intend.

Why is it that "blue" states only exist on the east and west coast of this country? And why is it, that the people who leave those hubs of progressive thought (and move to "red" states) do so for these kind of reasons:
1) To improve their economic situation, and
2) To live in a more family friendly atmosphere?

In fact, when I graduated from college, I run away, as fast as I could from a big city. I wanted to live where there was less crime, less pollution, less of everything, and where I can live a slower pace of life. And yet, now, I miss the "bad" things (or more appropriately, I miss life in a "blue" state), more so because I miss the underlying forces. The forces of change. The forces of debate. The forces of revolution. Or, are there social, revolutionary forces in "blue" states?

There is definitely a social revolution going on in the heartland of America, and I don't like it. I don't feel part of it. It is a conservative movement that has no room for compromise, and no room for differing opinions. In addition, it is wholly, religious based, and smells like the beginnings of a "theocracy", that odd form of government, that many protestants fled from Europe in the 15th and 16th century, for America. The shoe is on the other foot now... and it's tight.

Some food for thought then as we greet the new "age of God" dawning on the United States of America.

More later.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

John Kerry concedes

Well, it's official and all the websites are reporting it. John F. Kerry has lost.

I voted for John Kerry this year, as I voted for George W. Bush 4 years ago. Since, I live in a highly republican state my vote did not matter one bit four years ago and also this year.

4 years ago I believed that George Bush was a compassionate conservative. He has turned out to be anything, but. In fact, he is so far to the right, he does not represent me anymore. I belong to the middle, the vast, under-represented and silent majority. Some of us in this camp like to think and like to ponder issues. Some of us still believe in Democracy. Yesterday, those of us in the middle probably split enough to let Mr. Bush win.

In the next few weeks, I will discuss all my feelings on this subject, the division in this country, and the direction of history.

Congratulations to Mr. Bush and let's hope for a better 4 years. We shall see...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The election does matter...

I don't know who is going to win today's National Election in these United States of America, in the year 2004 (although I have my hopes on who that is), BUT everyone that can vote, should VOTE. This is the most important right and responsibility a person has in a Democracy. Ever since, democracy was invented in Ancient Greece, in a place called Athens, people have struggled to improve their lives. Representation has gotten better and better. In ancient Greece, if you were not a citizen, you could not vote (and forget about voting if you were a woman, slave, etc.). Even in the United States, years ago, if you were black, or a woman, or even under the age of 21, you could not vote.

Things HAVE changed. And things will continue to change, as long as people exercise their rights and take responsibility.

I have already voted today and I urge everyone who reads this to do the same. Whatever future you want is available to you, only if you make the effort to make it happen.

Long live Democracy.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time"

(I forgot to POST: .... Sorry!)

Christopher Boone, the protagonist of the "Curious Incident" is a 15-year old autistic boy. Christopher knows all the countries of the world and their capitals. Christopher is also a whiz at math (he is what sometimes is called an idiot savant but more appropriately called an autistic savant.) Our protagonist has a hard time dealing with the real world sometimes, and in those times he starts screaming or curls up in a ball. Christopher tells us about all the ways he deals with the world around him. Like seeing everything when he looks at things around him. For most people, when we look around us we can focus on just a few things and ignore the rest... But, for Christopher, it is much harder, because when he looks, he sees everything.

This explanation, by author Mark Haddon is one of the many things I liked about this book. He has worked in the real world with Autistic Children and understands their behavior and where they come from. In fact, it impressed me to not only see his knowledge on the subject, but also the level of research on autism. There are some amazing things being learned on this subject, and this understanding is also increasing the understanding of the workings of the human brain. The last fictional depiction of autism I know about, was the film, the Boy Who Could Fly which is an excellent treatise in its own right.

Christopher tries to find out who killed Wellington, his neighbor's dog (a poodle) using a garden pitch fork. His investigation takes him to places he has never been to before, and these new experiences help the reader learn more about autism, and help Christopher deal with the world around him a little better. When he goes on his investigations, we go along with him. I spend most of the time, cheering Christopher to go forward with his quest.

Overall, this is a book that I can recommend without any reservations. It is not intended for children, as I had originally purchased it for my nephew who is only 9. However, I do think teenagers 15 and up will probably get something from this book. Ultimately, this is a book about the search for love, and how even those of us challenged in life can and should go on this quest, this search for love. It is love that holds the fabric of life together, and there is no room for hate in the world. And isn't that a message worth reading about?

A Book Review

From time to time, I will post some book reviews here on books that have caught my interest and I would like others to know about. There are a couple of economics books I just finished recently, but today I will start with a Novel. Eventually, I plan to have links for the books I like on the side of my blog. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. (Oh yeah, I used to do book reviews on Amazon.com, and I will always co-post there).

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


I have been wondering about the nature of truth. Is "truth" subjective, meaning, can you, the individual believe something is the truth and be right, when we the majority believe something else is the truth?

Does Quantum Mechanics really explain the nature of "truth"?

Or is "thruth" more fundamental than that? Is "truth" so obvious that sometimes people just don't see it? Or could people believe something as "true" and in believing it make it so?

I have my ideas which I will explain in a near future post. But what do you think? Is "truth" subjective? Or are there some "truths" and then some other "truths"? Are there "grey" areas?

I want your input. Please comment.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Status Quo

Apart from this being the name of a favorite 70s Rock Band, it can also mean lots of things to different people.

For some people, Status Quo=Security. This is the reason they give me as to why they will vote the way they will vote this year.

For other people, Status Quo=More of the Same, as in, "we don't want more of the same."

For me, making decisions that depend on the phrase: "Don't make changes midstream," (as in in the middle of the war) are dangerous and show no attempt to reason the decision. The owner of this phrase also told me that if this president, after getting re-elected takes us into another war, they will vote Democratic in the next election, as in 2008.

I think, however, that this statement is very dangerous. If you vote for President Bush using this rationale, aren't you in effect telling this president, continue what you doing, and do more of the same? And isn't more of the same another war? And isn't it possible that things could possibly get worse in the next four years of the same president to the extent of not having an election in 2008? And wouldn't that be too late then?

I know this is fear mongering, but, a negative rationale can be a powerful motivator. Isn't that what the right has been using in this campaign from the beginning? Essentially: "If you vote for Kerry, we will be hit again in a 9/11 style attack".

So, while I do not believe in fear mongering, as some people do (who even talk about leaving this country if Bush gets re-elected), I do think that people need to THINK before they vote. Their decisions are long term and they must think of the long term consequences.

Otherwise, it won't really matter.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

The truth about....

Take your pick:

WMD non-existent in IRAQ.

The lying game that is Political polls. This is an excellent article.

Lying is a bad thing. The last president who lied was almost impeached. How about this one?

Monday, October 04, 2004

To Infinity and Beyond

It's done. It's accomplished. Private space flight is now open to the rest of us. The indomitable human spirit of invention has succeeded. Read: SpaceshipOne Wins the X-Prize.

You can read more about the X-Prize here: The Ansari X-Prize

And the company that accomplished it: Scaled Composites

I can not contain my enthusiasm. I feel as excited as when men first walked on the moon. I feel as excited as when the Columbia Space Shuttle first went into orbit. These actions inspired me to become an Aeronautical Engineer. These actions inspired me to want to go into space myself. Somewhere along the way, I lost that dream. Somewhere along the way, I took my eyes off the dream. Somewhere, something, no longer spoke to me.

But I feel elated. I feel inspired again. I am dreaming again. I love computers, but I love space even more. I love cars, but I love spaceships even more. NASA did not want to hire me. But NASA has taken her eyes of the prize. The future is for those privately funded efforts who are and will be taking chances. I want to be part of that. I want to take what I know and learn more and use it in this endeavor. Because this endeavor gives me hope like nothing else in the world today is giving me hope.

I am, today, rededicating myself to my original dream. It is the dream of space that woke me up and made me successful in school. It is this same stirring of years ago that I now feel in me. I want to be part of it. I want to be a dreamer again.

And maybe that's what society today is lacking. Maybe, we no longer have any dreams left and we need some new ones to inspire, to make us achieve.

So, all together then, let's say: "To Infinity, and Beyond".

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Are you living in the REAL world?

There is a recurring theme in my beliefs and in my writings. In many ways, whether attempting to ascertain this from the spiritual side (coming from a religious background myself), or if I use logic, or some other scientific principles, the question always comes down to:

Why are we here?

This questions takes many forms. One very important form is this: What is the meaning of life? What are we supposed to do with this thing given us called life? If a higher being has given us this, why? What does that being expect from us? If we're just a chance arrangement of atoms, why where those atoms arranged that way? Are we the universe, made manifest, attempting to explain itself?

I wonder these questions, as I wonder about the reasons behind decisions occurring around me. Whether one of those decisions is what I am going to have for dinner (and why is my wife always asking me what I want for dinner, when we've already made a menu for the next two weeks -- but that's a subject for a different post), or who to vote for in the upcoming US election.

Let us instead, direct our thinking to what effect our decisions have on today and the near future. I think the future is very malleable, constantly changing, depending on individual decisions on the here and now in order to be formed.

There was a time when people chose to create a thing called democracy. This experiment began about 2,500 years ago in Athens, Hellas on the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula. It took another 2,300 years for the experiment to be repeated. In order for the experiment to be successful, a number of things are of importance.

1. The people, no matter what their religious affiliation, MUST put aside those beliefs, and work together for the common good.
2. Reason, is more important in this experiment than let's say deciding what color to paint the side of my house. I'll explain this in more detail later.
3. The good of the many, sometimes, HAS (by definition) to outweigh the good of the few.

I sometimes like to express these principles using the Heisenberg uncertainty principle which proposes that you can not measure the position and momentum of a particle simultaneously. Extremely smart scientists have made the effort to connect this principle of Quantum Mechanics with the metaphysical questions I posed earlier. In short, their position is that it is impossible for us to tell whether what we're observing around is real at any given point in time. This is important in another respect also. In quantum mechanics, you can affect the position or momentum of a particle by observing one or the other. It is possible that if enough people believe one way, then what exists, what reality becomes, what we experience is what that original belief was.

This then also brings into questions whether there exist certain individuals that can transcend this observation limitation and "suggest" reality to the rest of us. This, in more that one way is really relevant to the world today. It has been suggested that the monster called Hitler for example, was one such individual, who was able to collectively alter reality for millions of Germans in the 1930s and in effect the actions they collectively took, forced WWII on the rest of us.

Similarly, the question arises. Can we alter the world around us. As we're caught in it, as we move through it, as we decide whether to have beans or rice (or both), as we make career decisions.

It has been pointed out to me that in the past 3 years, I have wasted three good job opportunities. I therefore, should not blame anyone else for my predicament. And yet, did I alter my perception of reality to such a degree that this fact escaped me? Or, did I fall prey to those others altering perception around me, and in this way, the decisions today are affecting my perceptions of what is real? In other words, am I leaving in the real world, or in the virtual world of the Matrix? Am I living in the real world, or am I dreaming?

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Debate over

Well, I've made up my mind. How about you? Yes, I know, it's hard to believe that someone who writes here could actually be undecided. Honestly? I probably decided I didn't like this president when I could not find a job after 9/11, when my unemployment run out, and then my extension run out, and then my kind of job went oversees, and then I lost my health insurance AND when this administration decided to attack another sovereign country that had not attacked us... I could go on. I just wanted to be sure that John Kerry could lead. He can.

You might ask, if you're so sure about the lies, why would you be undecided about booting the liar out of office? Excellent point. I concede it. Would I have preferred Howard Dean or Wesley Clark? I don't know. I just wanted someone that could beat Bush. I think Kerry can do that, but he must do a couple of things also:

Bush and the republicans, continue to lie. I wish that John Kerry will flat out call George W. Bush a liar. He did not mislead us into war. He flat out lied us into a war. This is Imperial Hubris (a book, I am by the way, currently reading -- yes, I know, I am a prolific reader -- One day soon, I'll even post reviews on this blog). Kerry should not be afraid to use the "L" word.

You know, the last President who was accused of lying was almost impeached.

Second, John Kerry must not be afraid to stand up to the withering attacks from the soundbites. Bush kept repeating, "the wrong war, at the wrong time, at the wrong place". I have never heard Kerry use that, but even if he did, he's right. The problem is that the spin machine takes these soundbites and twists them. Most people will not (either because they can't, or because they don't want to) think hard enough to see past that deception.

Bottom line. John Kerry said the right things, was consistent and he delivered what I wanted to hear from him. But that is the crux of the problem. Did he deliver with other people, and especially with those who have been lied to by the current administration? I sure hope so, because if he didn't, we have to face four more years of a regime that is bent on oppressing its own people, lying to them, and engaging in foreign wars. Sound familiar? Yes, I am talking about the USA.


One of the most important milestones in humanity's quest for the stars is about to be achieved. If Spaceship One manages to successfully fly into space, again, within the coming week, they'll win the X-Prize. This is a prize of 10 million dollars for the first successful, private, spaceship to reach space. In order to reach space, one must go higher that 62 miles straight up, a height, generally considered as the outer edge of the Earth's atmosphere.

There are those who believe that this historic occasion is a more important story than all others today. Read Glenn Reynold's opinion at Slate. I tend to agree.

At the very least, this story gives one hope, something we're severely lacking right now.

And, if someone was to tell me that I am forgetting to mention, poverty, war, famine, elections, prosecutions, debates, unemployment, and all those other things that SHOULD occupy our thoughts and prayers, I will say: You've missed the point.

An event of the magnitude of what Spaceship One is about to accomplish is why there are human beings on this planet and why the future is bright. As long as there is hope, as long as we can reach beyond ourselves and accomplish more than we are, there is a future. As long as a person will help someone in need and as along as people will try the impossible, there is hope. Then, it REALLY does matter.

Debate Time

It's here. This election's most scripted, best organized, by the book event is finally, tonight. The Presidential Debate. I wonder if we'll learn anything worthwhile tonight. I've already had a bunch of people tell me they won't watch. That tells me one of two things: Either people are disgusted with the whole process, or they have already made up their minds.

Myself? I haven't decided yet who to vote for and I am definitely going to watch tonight's debate.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Asymmetrical Warfare

The problem in this country is that neither side wants to talk about any issues. All they want to do is smear each other.

It seems to me that we all felt that the election of 1992 had some similar issues affecting our nation as we see today, though we do have a foreign war and the threat of terrorism hanging over our heads today. At that time though, we all felt that election was so important. I do not remember, if the media had already anointed Clinton the winner, but I do remember long lines at the polls. I was lucky enough to live at an apartment complex next to the polling station. I got home around 6 pm and the line was wrapped around the block. I got in line and voted around 7:30 pm (the polling station closed at 8 pm). I felt elated to had participated in what I thought was an important election for the future of our country. It was important then for the candidates to address the issues affecting us. Two of those candidates did. Ross Perot, although a long shot, did address all the issues that mattered. Clinton picked up the theme from Perot, addressed the issues and ultimately with that focus, won the election. The elder George Bush, I seem to recall, only had time for attack ads.

Now, this election, pits two candidates that nobody can get excited about, against each other. The one from the right has whittled the issues down to a few points:
1) Flip-flop (I swear, I do not own a pair!)
2) If the other guy wins, we'll get attacked again ("The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!" syndrome.)
3) The liberals are attacking our country's morals and principals, they are attacking God.
The focus on these three points is intense. People can mimic, exactly, what they hear in the soundbites or on the TV commercials.

Aside: How come, I don't get to see the candidates up close? How come they don't visit my state? How come they've given up on my state "because it is already decided"? Why do I have to learn from the cable channels what the candidates are really saying? Why do I only see the commercials through news items about them?

Anyway, on to the left. They also have narrowed their focus to a few issues:
1) W stands for "Wrong".
2) The war was wrong and we haven't caught Osama yet.
3) It's the economy stupid (all over again).

So, it's strike and counterstrike. During the Democratic Convention, I heard some fantastic things from the Democrats. They actually focused on issues. They actually had some things to say. A month later, I heard nothing like that from the Republicans. They began their convention with an attack. They ended their convention with more attacks. There were no discussions. There were no issues. There were no solutions.

A vast segment of the population of these Great, United States of America have already made up their minds. The 3 points from the Right has already won them over. Without thought, like automatons, like people that can be led around by a leash (or is it a noose?), they have decided to vote for the guy from the "Right". Even my wife. When I sit down and try to discuss the issues with her, try to explain to her what it all means, why the choices we make in November's election will affect our children's futures, she will come back with things like: "Well,
the Heinz company
moved all these jobs oversees". This, of course, is a total lie.

But see, through the dumping down of America, the "Right" knows how to push the proper psychological buttons of those people who DON'T REALLY WANT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. The "Right" can just say those things that "scare" people about believing anything that the "Right" wants them to believe. The wool is thick and heavy over the eyes of those who do not want to think. It's like pulling a safety blanket on, when it gets cold in a bedroom. It's a reaction the body takes. It's emotional. It is almost primal. But there is NO THINKING behind it. And those who write the attack ads for the "Right" know their art very well.

In this Asymmetrical Warfare, the battle has already been won. Fear has triumphed over reason. And anything I might write in this blog, does not really matter.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Am I addicted to the news? I don't think I am addicted to the news...

This is an ongoing discussion between me and my wife:

Her: "Turn that mess off, there is nothing good on, they are talking about the same stuff and there is nothing you can do about it."

Me: "This is the most important election of our time."

Her: "You know it upsets you when you watch the mess."

Me: "But I have to know what's going on."

Her: "You know whoever gets into office will be the same as the last guy."

Me: "But, but, but....." (And I have a million "buts" in my head, spinning, always spinning.)

I'll tell you who she is going to vote for later, but I wonder, if there is a segment of politicians, a group, a party that likes this attitude (prefers this attitude) and hopes that more people "feel" like my wife does, and then "acts" on those feelings. I call it voting by emotional proxy.

But that is a subject for another post...because like my wife says, it does not really matter. Or does it?

Distracted but not confused. Are you?

It is hard to keep your wits about you, what with all the important news going on around the world. I wonder sometimes, if there were no irrelevant news and the only things reported were the things that mattered to us, if we would be too confused to lead a normal life. OR maybe we'd be informed. How does a story about a motorcyclist going fast and getting a ticket for it rate so high in the news? It's on all the websites. Why is that?

Maybe being distracted is like a drug to some people. "Insulate me from the reality of the world around me," they seem to say. "Keep all the bad news away from me." And maybe, those of us in the blogosphere are the ones that are confused, because we try to crunch so much info and to understand so much of what is around us. OR maybe that is the wrong thing to do in today's security conscious world. Maybe we should all watch our manners and keep our mouths shut like good and responsible citizens. Maybe, we should stop trying to understand the world around us. Maybe, we should give up trying to let the truth out. And then, just maybe, our world would be a better place.

You think?

Sunday, September 26, 2004


In every period of history, whether we're talking about the Byzantine Empire, or the Roman Empire or the Athenian Empire of Classical Greece there have been distractions. I submit that there is also a movie that was made about the subject of distractions a few years ago called "Wag the Dog". Yes, indeed, in today's world we're being stopped from seeing what really matters. The tail is wagging the dog. Just as in past societies, people stopped seeing the truth, either because they did not want to, or because they were stopped from seeing it by others.

In Roman Times, Emperors, whether insane or simply not fit to command, used the games at the Colosseum as a distraction for the populace. You say that our glorious empire is crumpling about us, well, just visit the Colosseum be entertained a bit. Watch the majesty, watch the courage, watch the strength of the Gladiators. And when the right Gladiator won, the emperor was even known to open the Imperial Treasury and give money to those that attended the games or where Roman "Citizens". This was the perfect way in which to keep people from finding the bad news. Bad news such as that the Empire was crumpling, outpost by outpost. There had not been any conquests for over 200 years. The treasury was actually kind of bare. When the end came, it actually lasted a long time. Great Empires sometimes take a long time to fall apart. But in these accelerated times, I wonder.

For the Byzantine Empire the end came slowly also. It started in 1204 AD during the so called Fourth Crusade against the Arabs. In effect, this was a crusade against Christians. But, in this post, I am not so much concerned with the sacking of Constantinople, but rather with the downfall that action brought about. Within 250 years the Byzantine Empire was no more and Constantinople fell to the Turks. During the fall, distraction was what the last Autokratoroi (Emperors) used to mislead the people into believing that greatness could be theirs again, if only... And there were many ifs during those times. Chief among them was the belief that God would save the Empire.

For the Athenians who founded the Athenian League after the defeat of the Persian fleet in Salamis in 480 BC the future looked bright. The strength of the Athenian expansion and the Classical success was the democracy of Athens. But it can also be said that the failure of Athens and Classical Greece was that same Democracy, a Democracy of limits (or as I like to call it a Benign Oligarchy). Athenians believed that the strength of their success came from the individuals who achieved concesus within the city and who managed to build the strongest Naval Fleet of its time. That fleet was unparalleled in human history up to that time and it essentially gave the Athenians complete control of the Mediterranean Sea. That strength and the win in Salamis also gave Athens the dreams of conquest. A dream of conquest based on the belief that in order to secure the peace, in order for the government to protect the people from any further attacks from oversees invaders, the strength of the republic must be directed outward for a two fold mission. First, to secure allies who would contribute materiel, personnel and moneys to help in a future war. Secondly, to achieve a stronghold of bases to be used in protection of the republic. But military might is not always equivalent to security.

What each one of these periods of time teaches us about today is, I believe, very important:

First, the people can be misled, appeased and placated with entertainment, gifts from the treasury and false pronouncements about the strength of the Republic. I ask you to question whether we have seen this in today's United States of America.

Second, religion can be held up to be both a crutch and a shield. If we believe, then God will protect us from all enemies...as if God is concerned with what happens to another Empire on this planet. In addition, God's strength will shield us and our property from the worst. But if one was to really study God, one would find that God asks to embrace disaster, succumb to the worst, suffer the martyrdom, because only then would our soul be freed from the material world and enter the spiritual plane. God does not wish to shield us from the horrors of war, because God does not wish to shield us from material things. This life is ephemeral at best, temporary at worst. In its quick passage we're asked to prepare for eternal life by not asking for material protection in this life, but by accepting the things that we can not change and embracing the things that can lead us into the next. Somehow, this message has been twisted, and we now believe that God will shield us from those who hate us here on Earth and will protect our possessions. Oh, how many empires (even other than the Byzantine Empire) had mistakenly believed this and have fallen, only to be remembered by history.

Third, and most important, strength does not derive from conquest. Vanquishing our enemies before they attack us does not guarantee security. There is ample evidence to prove that all great empires of history started failing because they simply did not believe that their own strength was not enough to conquer all. There was always one more conquest. But "what does it profit a man to conquer the whole world and lose his soul"? Similarly, what does it profit a country to conquer the whole world and lose its sanity, lose its morals and lose its collective soul. Once, there was a country that believed it had a manifest destiny. It used this belief to gather the brightest and the best people of the world within its boundaries. It used these people to construct the world's most vibrant nation, a democracy, a country ruled by morality and laws. A country for which the price of admission was freedom of expression and freedom of thought.

Now, like those Athenians of centuries ago, those few in power, the Oligarchs, have taken upon themselves that strength that was given to them by the people and turned it into conquest.

We live in a country where I, along with another 45 million people go without medical insurance. Folks, that is 18% of the population. And that figure is growing. Soon, people will start losing their jobs, simply because their employer can not afford to pay their medical insurance. You see their company is worried that the increasing insurance costs will cut into their profit margin and the executive's bonus check.

This week, my doctor who I went to see, asked me if I was working on getting medical insurance. I have been without insurance for almost 3 years now. I told her that insurance eludes me still. With the jobs I have been able to get in this "robust" economy, medical insurance is still outside my grasp. Most of these companies that hire, simply, are not willing to pay me a little more to be a permanent employee and have insurance coverage. Therefore, they hire me as a temp employee, giving them the flexibility to do the work they need without investing in me. This story is repeated millions of times across this vast and powerful country, called the United States of America.

Meanwhile, we're all distracted from this and other facts. We're told to embrace God because our Commander in Chief is guided by him as they share a 21st century direct line. We're told that our futures are being secured, because the richest 1% are receiving tax cuts which they will use to re-invest in society where even "low lives" like me would have a temp job and bounce from assignment to assignment. Finally, we're told that the country is protected from our enemies, because we have taken the battle to him and our nice suburbs are free so that we can drive our nice SUVs to Wal-Mart and buy lots of nice little widgets made in China.

I hear the fall of the Empire all around me. I wonder how many people really have their ears unstopped to hear it too.

A note on history: I do not know that much about Empires that flourished in other parts of the world. The reader is welcome to add comments on other examples from history.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Who am I?

I had to post this for the curious and uninitiated. No, my name is not really Pavlos. Yes, I will eventually reveal my real name.

Who was Pavlos Melas? Well, let's just say he was a man after my own heart, a pure man, an honourable man. At heart, he was a freedom fighter. But though he fought for the freedom of his people, he really, truly fought for his ideals. He proved, that ideals CAN NOT die in the transition from adolescence to adulthood. That the ability exists for one man to latch on to an idea and transform himself, that idea, and those around him with it.

I believe very strongly that we are in need of such people today, therefore, my assumed persona is meant to galvanize in a similar fashion as Capetan Zezas did 100 years ago.

Pavlos died of a gun shot wound sustained in an ambush set-up by his enemies, almost exactly 100 years ago today in the Northern part of Greece near a town called Siatista. His sacrifice inspired a nation.

But for me, I feel his sacrifice on a personal level. He taught me that more can be done with less. He taught me that I should rekindle the idealism of youth. He taught me that what I believe in is more important than the propaganda around me and my beliefs must not be subverted by lies. The truth can be hidden but not suppressed. The truth will liberate you because if you believe that the right way is the way then the answer becomes obvious. The sacrifice has not been in vain. The effort was not only honourable but vital.

I have used and I am trying to use his principals to not only revitalize my life, but those around me. Since, I have not yet added a counter to this site, I have no way of knowing if anyone has read, and if they did, if any of the words here have made an impact. I believe that if you affect even one grain of sand, if you change the flight of even one butterfly, you can change the course of history.

The Web is an amazing medium. The Web in time will become a self-aware medium and then through it we will better understand ourselves as residents of this planet. But for now, I take it as my responsibility to try to unearth some of the truth that I believe is being suppressed. I try, with these words, to be a small Pavlos Melas, to pull the wool from people's eyes, to let them peer into what it all means.

Heavy stuff you say? But the reality is, if I don't do it who will? Those who write blogs to further their agenda? Or those that write simply to stroke their pride?

And what if no one cares, what if no one reads it? I am not as vain as that. Because (and the cliche has been said a thousand times) the effort, the journey is what matters. Would anyone remember Pavlos Melas or Gandhi or Che or a thousand other "freedom" fighters if they had never undertaken the journey?

So I undertake the journey, in the hope that IT REALLY DOES MATTER and maybe some day, I will discover my voice through it all.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Something for everyone...

You know, I thought I had something intelligent to say today (about politics and such), but my head has frozen up. I have a bad sinus infection and my head feels like it's inside a barrel. So, I am taking these ERY-TAB antibiotics with a warning on the bottle: "DO NOT TAKE WITH CISAPRIDE. And I am going: "Am I taking this medicine, what is this medicine?"

Turns out, I am not taking this medicine, but I scared myself reading this article. I am glad, I am not taking this medicine after all.

The only reality show I watch ended yesterday. The Amazing Race is trully a good show. I wouldn't even mind competing in it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Conspiracy Theory

My theory is that this story is true.

Why would I believe such a story? Because I think the following maxim is true (and has been true since the beginning of time): "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely".. I believe, that the current administration in the White House WILL DO ANYTHING within its power (legal or illegal) to stay in power.

Am I being paranoid? Am I buying the hype of this Conspiracy Theory? You decide.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Weekend woes.

On a personal note, I had a rough weekend. My favorite football team lost this past weekend.

On top of that, I was suffering all weekend long with a head cold. My head is still not clear. Maybe that's why all my posts are so...off?

Or maybe no one cares what I think. Am I like Neo, the only one who can see, and the wool has not been "pulled over my eyes"? Could be.

Lie, lie and then lie some more...

I am disheartened by the amount of lying going on in the news media. Are you not? The great network CNN is stooping lower than FOX. Two of its commentators (from Crossfire) are on the staff of Presidential Candidate, John Kerry -- even if unpaid. Is that to counteract the huge lies coming from the other "great" network, FOX, I guess? Where can one find truth in these days? Does anyone even know what truth looks like? As long as "truth" is the destruction hurricanes cause where a picture does say more than a thousand words, the TV news people can actually find "it".  Otherwise, if truth is what you're searching for regarding IRAQ, Korea, Iran, WMD, War, Vietnam Service, you will NOT find "it" on the TV networks these days.

I am worried that it will all NOT MATTER in the end...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Can it happen in this country?

Apparently yes....

I have now read a couple of accounts about this story. Another account can be seen here.

And some important commentary is available at Slate.

I never thought that we could live in a country where you can be prosecuted (at work no less) for your political beliefs. It IS NOT the bosses' job to tell me who to vote for, just as it is not government's job to tell me who to believe in. This story shows how in every aspect of society, our minds are being controlled. We're being told what to think, we're being told how to think, and sometimes we're being told when to think. Even worse, sometimes we're being told when to FEEL, and what those emotions should be.

Does anyone else find this disturbing?

Monday, September 13, 2004

Personally speaking...

No! I am the Batman...

Seriously though, I am very VERY tired as I worked all weekend long. Doing what you ask? Well, it was a festival, and it was sort of ethnic. I leave it up to discerning readers to figure out what kind of ethnic festival it was. Since I am tired, I am not in too great of a posting mood.

On the other hand, does anyone buy all the explanations we've been getting on this Korean (nuclear?) subject. Me? I have two thoughts on the subject:

If it was a nuclear blast, shouldn't some of the government's KH-11 birds have caught a hint of it from space? I am sure N. Korea is the most photographed country from space in the past 10 years or so. Also, don't nuclear blasts register (even imperceptibly) on some seismic monitor somewhere?

But, even if it is as N. Korea says it is...they must have used some huge quantities of explosives, or some rather large explosives. That by itself is scary (they have explosives that can do that?!!!), and I would dare guess, even as you demolish a whole damn mountain, that action should register on a seismic activity monitor somewhere in that region.

So what are we not being told?

And tell me again how this story first broke? Who leaked what? Why?

Is the wool being pulled over our eyes again? What are we missing here? Or am I being paranoid? You decide...

Friday, September 10, 2004

When the truth is being suppressed...

One more thing...

I am not a journalist, so I have not checked these stories, but someone did.For a more complete story, read this. It makes you think, doesn't it?

Similarly though, this story has some interesting implications. A news organization makes claims, presents a story (I freely admit, I did not watch this story), but does not check their facts. I mean, as far as REAL journalism is concerned, there seems to have been none for this story...

How then, are we to trust journalists?
What I am talking about has clearly been evident in Paula Zahn's show on CNN all week long. She introduces the subject, then she introduces the guests. One guest is from the left, and one guest is from the right -- how predictable! Then she asks -- essentially -- the same question of both guests. Obviously, each one of the guests will spin away their answer.

Does this accomplish anything? I would suggest that it does not. I would suggest that this kind of journalism is the worst kind. This kind of journalism does not report on anything, does not explain anything, and does not provide viewers with any answers.

I want the Journalist to say: "NO! Mr. So-and-so! You're wrong! Here is what the numbers suggest, here is the truth, here are the statistics that matter." But no! Today's journalist, can only ask the questions, but does not analyze the results. If the guy on the left is wrong, I want to know. If it's the guy on the right, I want to know. I want the so-called journalists of today to stop making up news, to fully investigate their stories, to stop reporting what a press secretary or press advisor has just told them. I want the truth. Do you agree?

All this spinning has my head hurting... Bye for now.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

So, I have been fascinated by the current election process in the United States of America. I am trying to understand what it all means. I am trying to keep up with as many news sources as I can. One of the main news sources I use is CNN. However, a lot of people think that this news organization is too liberal. I also balance my news by reading (and watching) Fox News. Of course, a lot of people think that they are too right wing, too conservative, follow the dictates of the Bush government too closely.

The biggest problem I have with news today is that they try to "balance" all opinions and present all sides to let you decide. The problem with this is that not all opinions are valid, not all sides have merit. In most cases, equality of opinion does not equate to a correct outcome. There is a right and a wrong. Attempting to let people decide what that is can be a huge mistake. Most people want to be told what the "right" side is. They don't want to figure it out for themselves. This is what really bothers me about today's political climate. There is "no" political correctness. To be politically correct is to not offend anybody, even when they are wrong. This does not work in practice. Why? Because people who are wrong, who could be the minority, could influence the majority. And I ask you: Is that morally right?