Here is more coverage of the censorship of "Saving Private Ryan". The New York Times > Arts > Frank Rich: Bono's New Casualty: 'Private Ryan' (registration required).
I recommend that people read this to get a better understanding about the Censorship being imposed on the masses. The bad thing is that most people don't realize this is happening. One day, people will wake up and realize that they are that much less free and it is too late to have these freedoms restored.
Freedom is being eroded in this country, and the questionable electoral victory by the right wing has now put freedom on the run. Read Frank Rich's article. READ to preserve your freedoms.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Friday, November 19, 2004 (Censorship & propaganda)
This is the pathetic little entity, that NOT only censors news, but also slants it any which way it wants. Two days ago, I watched an attempt from them to explain why the US government recognized F.Y.R.O.M. with its constitutional name, a name that is not accepted by neighboring country Greece (Hellas to those of us in the "know").
I am going to have more about this action later. But my post today is about the way "NewsCentral" slants the news. You know, in totalitarian regimes this is called "Propaganda". I find it hard to believe that most Americans can not believe that "Propaganda" can happen in the USA. It is what happens when the WOOL is PULLED over peoples eyes, and when most people are too fat, dumb and happy to know any different.
People who are not involved, who are not informed and who make no attempt to "know" are condemned to live in ignorance, even as their country crumbles around them.
I will have more about the US unilateral decision later, but for now, be assured, we the "Sons of Alexander" are paying attention. And we have fought too long, and too hard for the freedom of the Hellenic nation to allow US imperialism to dictate to us. And as for all the various propaganda arms of the US Christian Dictatorship now in place, we will continue to point out their untruths and distortions and their propaganda. People MUST BE INFORMED.
This is the pathetic little entity, that NOT only censors news, but also slants it any which way it wants. Two days ago, I watched an attempt from them to explain why the US government recognized F.Y.R.O.M. with its constitutional name, a name that is not accepted by neighboring country Greece (Hellas to those of us in the "know").
I am going to have more about this action later. But my post today is about the way "NewsCentral" slants the news. You know, in totalitarian regimes this is called "Propaganda". I find it hard to believe that most Americans can not believe that "Propaganda" can happen in the USA. It is what happens when the WOOL is PULLED over peoples eyes, and when most people are too fat, dumb and happy to know any different.
People who are not involved, who are not informed and who make no attempt to "know" are condemned to live in ignorance, even as their country crumbles around them.
I will have more about the US unilateral decision later, but for now, be assured, we the "Sons of Alexander" are paying attention. And we have fought too long, and too hard for the freedom of the Hellenic nation to allow US imperialism to dictate to us. And as for all the various propaganda arms of the US Christian Dictatorship now in place, we will continue to point out their untruths and distortions and their propaganda. People MUST BE INFORMED.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Censorship in America
Censorship in America is alive and well. Here is a letter I wrote to my local ABC affiliate (and copied to ABC programming):
Does it matter? Yes! We must keep our voices heard, else Democracy will disappear from America, and then the rest of the World will join the US empire. It all matters.
Censorship in America is alive and well. Here is a letter I wrote to my local ABC affiliate (and copied to ABC programming):
"Dear Michelle,
As a loyal viewer of Channel 2 (WKRN-TV) and numerous ABC programs (including "LOST"), I was very disappointed with the decision of Young Broadcasting and Channel 2 on 11 November 2004 to not broadcast "Saving Private Ryan". I have seen this movie a number of times, including the two previous times that Channel 2 broadcast it (as well as when it first came out in the theater), and I do not find it offensive.
I have a number of family members who are veterans and have participated in Wars (WWII and Korea), and my grandfather who retired as a general from the military and fought in WWI. They taught me that war is "hell" and not what some movies depict. "Saving Private Ryan" is a movie that very aptly depicts the tragedy and pain of war. Regardless of any language, or violence depicted, it accurately portrays what veterans experienced.
I am also saddened by your decision because it smacks of Censorship. Fortunately, we still live in a democracy, and any steps to censor or limit free speech like this MUST be met with resolve and resistance, otherwise we will travel down the slippery slope of thought control which quickly leads to Dictatorship. No, I do not want to live in a Dictatorship, as my parents escaped one to come to this country. And I try, where I can, to voice my support for free speech and democracy.
In fact, I would have written earlier this year, when you guys went OFF the air during the broadcast of "Nightline" in an episode where they read the names of dead soldiers in the War in Iraq. I think, this was a wonderful tribute, but as I tuned my TV to Channel 2 to watch it, the picture went OFF the air.
I am saddened and disappointed by the stance of Young Broadcasting and Channel 2 on these two programs. I feel that you have taken the first steps towards censorship and thought control of the audience. I will continue to support democracy and allowing ALL sides to be heard. Many have fought for that right, and it must be defended. I will also make sure to issue a complain to the FCC about the censorship your station has enforced on those two programs.
Thank you for your time.
Does it matter? Yes! We must keep our voices heard, else Democracy will disappear from America, and then the rest of the World will join the US empire. It all matters.
Democracy is Dead in America
If you have not seen (or heard) this story, you must:
U.S. Detainee Abuse Cases Fall Through the Cracks.
It makes for some interesting reading (or listening, if you caught the story on NPR). This is not a sign of the apocalypse, but yet, it is troubling, that this country that values the law, order, human rights, civil rights, can just do this to anybody. This is why I am against the Patriot Act, and why, as a first step, I am considering moving to a blue state.
Am I afraid for my life and my freedom here in the midst of "Red America"? You bet your sweet life, I am.
I am afraid to speak. I have already had people here, in my workplace, laugh at me because I voted for Kerry. Imagine that! Laughing at somebody because of how they voted.
Yes, this is the America we live in, this is the country that is trying to force Democracy on the rest of the World, and YET, does not practice Democracy at home.
I am afraid....
...a lot more was lost in the election than the presidency;
...civil rights will disappear;
...the Christian jihad will go after anyone who does not believe like they do;
...And, that the 59 million Americans will harass and punish the other 56 million of us.
I am afraid that it all matters and we're in serious trouble in America.
Act, do something, get involved, don't let this happen.
U.S. Detainee Abuse Cases Fall Through the Cracks.
It makes for some interesting reading (or listening, if you caught the story on NPR). This is not a sign of the apocalypse, but yet, it is troubling, that this country that values the law, order, human rights, civil rights, can just do this to anybody. This is why I am against the Patriot Act, and why, as a first step, I am considering moving to a blue state.
Am I afraid for my life and my freedom here in the midst of "Red America"? You bet your sweet life, I am.
I am afraid to speak. I have already had people here, in my workplace, laugh at me because I voted for Kerry. Imagine that! Laughing at somebody because of how they voted.
Yes, this is the America we live in, this is the country that is trying to force Democracy on the rest of the World, and YET, does not practice Democracy at home.
I am afraid....
...a lot more was lost in the election than the presidency;
...civil rights will disappear;
...the Christian jihad will go after anyone who does not believe like they do;
...And, that the 59 million Americans will harass and punish the other 56 million of us.
I am afraid that it all matters and we're in serious trouble in America.
Act, do something, get involved, don't let this happen.
Friday, November 05, 2004
A new social revolution
I live in a "red" state. I actually hold dear many of the principles that people from the "red" states used as their reasoning for voting for George W. Bush. But, I feel so strongly that these people from the "red" states are wrong, that I am considering moving to a "blue" state or out of the country completely.
In the 1960s, a social revolution took hold of this country and transformed it (or did it?) Black people got their civil rights, and could, at last start living as equal and free citizens of this country. And guess what, one of the leaders of that movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, was a preacher that also upheld these morals, or values that people from "red" states are talking about.
In addition, a segment of the population in the 1960s, succeeded in turning the tide against an unjust war that was killing hundreds of American children on a daily basis. I have often read about that period, that what appeared as a majority movement, was actually, anything but. However, everyone thought that there was "change in the air." We were conquering space, and vaccines were eliminating diseases like polio. Meanwhile, social change was happening, and people were prospering. There was indeed a spirit of renewal.
Since that time a two headed type of backlash has occurred. First, a lot of the people who actually participated in the most visible part of the "revolution", the youth movement, grew up, and either became part of the real world, died of drug overdoses or decided to raise a family -- there is something about that, that changes you. Additionally, changes in the world at large made many issues mute, or damped them down enough over the years that the social scene changed. Those world changes were the rise of terrorism in the world, a 30 year phenomenon now, the importance of oil in world affairs and the rise of the corporate giants, whether multinationals or conglomerates, along with its attendant rise in consumerism.
The "baby boomer" generation wanted a house, with 2.3 kids and 4.3 cars/SUVs in the driveway. Going up the corporate ladder was also the goal for many. In the 1980s, we witnessed the rise of yuppies (Young Urban Professionals) and their ascent into power. We also witnessed the creation of a power elite. I will talk about the power elite at a latter time. But for now, suffice it to say, that the boom times of the 1980s and 1990s would not have happened if these factors had not intervened. But it is also these same factors that helped create the political landscape of today, and nobody in the media is talking about that.
In my college years, I had an amazing history professor who taught me a lot of how the world functions, based on how history has shaped events. One of his principles was that the rise of a middle class in the west created the impetus for change across the western world, and brought about freedom and democracy, sometimes through blood (France and the United States come to mind during the 1780s), but also through gradual change (Great Britain and the transition from Empire to a monarchy). It is also this absence of a middle class that could have the opposite effect (the rise of communism in the 1900s).
In the 1960s therefore, in the United States, we began to see the transformation of the country. The question for me today is what the shape of that transformation was? Did the social revolution of the 1960s affect the middle class in a progressive fashion, or was it a stimulus for the adoption of values that the parents of the 45-60 million baby boomers held? Transformations can also have the reverse effect that they intend.
Why is it that "blue" states only exist on the east and west coast of this country? And why is it, that the people who leave those hubs of progressive thought (and move to "red" states) do so for these kind of reasons:
1) To improve their economic situation, and
2) To live in a more family friendly atmosphere?
In fact, when I graduated from college, I run away, as fast as I could from a big city. I wanted to live where there was less crime, less pollution, less of everything, and where I can live a slower pace of life. And yet, now, I miss the "bad" things (or more appropriately, I miss life in a "blue" state), more so because I miss the underlying forces. The forces of change. The forces of debate. The forces of revolution. Or, are there social, revolutionary forces in "blue" states?
There is definitely a social revolution going on in the heartland of America, and I don't like it. I don't feel part of it. It is a conservative movement that has no room for compromise, and no room for differing opinions. In addition, it is wholly, religious based, and smells like the beginnings of a "theocracy", that odd form of government, that many protestants fled from Europe in the 15th and 16th century, for America. The shoe is on the other foot now... and it's tight.
Some food for thought then as we greet the new "age of God" dawning on the United States of America.
More later.
In the 1960s, a social revolution took hold of this country and transformed it (or did it?) Black people got their civil rights, and could, at last start living as equal and free citizens of this country. And guess what, one of the leaders of that movement, Dr. Martin Luther King, was a preacher that also upheld these morals, or values that people from "red" states are talking about.
In addition, a segment of the population in the 1960s, succeeded in turning the tide against an unjust war that was killing hundreds of American children on a daily basis. I have often read about that period, that what appeared as a majority movement, was actually, anything but. However, everyone thought that there was "change in the air." We were conquering space, and vaccines were eliminating diseases like polio. Meanwhile, social change was happening, and people were prospering. There was indeed a spirit of renewal.
Since that time a two headed type of backlash has occurred. First, a lot of the people who actually participated in the most visible part of the "revolution", the youth movement, grew up, and either became part of the real world, died of drug overdoses or decided to raise a family -- there is something about that, that changes you. Additionally, changes in the world at large made many issues mute, or damped them down enough over the years that the social scene changed. Those world changes were the rise of terrorism in the world, a 30 year phenomenon now, the importance of oil in world affairs and the rise of the corporate giants, whether multinationals or conglomerates, along with its attendant rise in consumerism.
The "baby boomer" generation wanted a house, with 2.3 kids and 4.3 cars/SUVs in the driveway. Going up the corporate ladder was also the goal for many. In the 1980s, we witnessed the rise of yuppies (Young Urban Professionals) and their ascent into power. We also witnessed the creation of a power elite. I will talk about the power elite at a latter time. But for now, suffice it to say, that the boom times of the 1980s and 1990s would not have happened if these factors had not intervened. But it is also these same factors that helped create the political landscape of today, and nobody in the media is talking about that.
In my college years, I had an amazing history professor who taught me a lot of how the world functions, based on how history has shaped events. One of his principles was that the rise of a middle class in the west created the impetus for change across the western world, and brought about freedom and democracy, sometimes through blood (France and the United States come to mind during the 1780s), but also through gradual change (Great Britain and the transition from Empire to a monarchy). It is also this absence of a middle class that could have the opposite effect (the rise of communism in the 1900s).
In the 1960s therefore, in the United States, we began to see the transformation of the country. The question for me today is what the shape of that transformation was? Did the social revolution of the 1960s affect the middle class in a progressive fashion, or was it a stimulus for the adoption of values that the parents of the 45-60 million baby boomers held? Transformations can also have the reverse effect that they intend.
Why is it that "blue" states only exist on the east and west coast of this country? And why is it, that the people who leave those hubs of progressive thought (and move to "red" states) do so for these kind of reasons:
1) To improve their economic situation, and
2) To live in a more family friendly atmosphere?
In fact, when I graduated from college, I run away, as fast as I could from a big city. I wanted to live where there was less crime, less pollution, less of everything, and where I can live a slower pace of life. And yet, now, I miss the "bad" things (or more appropriately, I miss life in a "blue" state), more so because I miss the underlying forces. The forces of change. The forces of debate. The forces of revolution. Or, are there social, revolutionary forces in "blue" states?
There is definitely a social revolution going on in the heartland of America, and I don't like it. I don't feel part of it. It is a conservative movement that has no room for compromise, and no room for differing opinions. In addition, it is wholly, religious based, and smells like the beginnings of a "theocracy", that odd form of government, that many protestants fled from Europe in the 15th and 16th century, for America. The shoe is on the other foot now... and it's tight.
Some food for thought then as we greet the new "age of God" dawning on the United States of America.
More later.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
John Kerry concedes
Well, it's official and all the websites are reporting it. John F. Kerry has lost.
I voted for John Kerry this year, as I voted for George W. Bush 4 years ago. Since, I live in a highly republican state my vote did not matter one bit four years ago and also this year.
4 years ago I believed that George Bush was a compassionate conservative. He has turned out to be anything, but. In fact, he is so far to the right, he does not represent me anymore. I belong to the middle, the vast, under-represented and silent majority. Some of us in this camp like to think and like to ponder issues. Some of us still believe in Democracy. Yesterday, those of us in the middle probably split enough to let Mr. Bush win.
In the next few weeks, I will discuss all my feelings on this subject, the division in this country, and the direction of history.
Congratulations to Mr. Bush and let's hope for a better 4 years. We shall see...
I voted for John Kerry this year, as I voted for George W. Bush 4 years ago. Since, I live in a highly republican state my vote did not matter one bit four years ago and also this year.
4 years ago I believed that George Bush was a compassionate conservative. He has turned out to be anything, but. In fact, he is so far to the right, he does not represent me anymore. I belong to the middle, the vast, under-represented and silent majority. Some of us in this camp like to think and like to ponder issues. Some of us still believe in Democracy. Yesterday, those of us in the middle probably split enough to let Mr. Bush win.
In the next few weeks, I will discuss all my feelings on this subject, the division in this country, and the direction of history.
Congratulations to Mr. Bush and let's hope for a better 4 years. We shall see...
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
The election does matter...
I don't know who is going to win today's National Election in these United States of America, in the year 2004 (although I have my hopes on who that is), BUT everyone that can vote, should VOTE. This is the most important right and responsibility a person has in a Democracy. Ever since, democracy was invented in Ancient Greece, in a place called Athens, people have struggled to improve their lives. Representation has gotten better and better. In ancient Greece, if you were not a citizen, you could not vote (and forget about voting if you were a woman, slave, etc.). Even in the United States, years ago, if you were black, or a woman, or even under the age of 21, you could not vote.
Things HAVE changed. And things will continue to change, as long as people exercise their rights and take responsibility.
I have already voted today and I urge everyone who reads this to do the same. Whatever future you want is available to you, only if you make the effort to make it happen.
Long live Democracy.
Things HAVE changed. And things will continue to change, as long as people exercise their rights and take responsibility.
I have already voted today and I urge everyone who reads this to do the same. Whatever future you want is available to you, only if you make the effort to make it happen.
Long live Democracy.
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