Saturday, March 25, 2023

The inflation myth

 Let's be clear about something.

The people at the top, call them what you will, Emperors, Kings and Queens, Oligarchs, or Billionaires, have never cared about you or me, about the middle class or the working class. If they can keep us down there, keep our little grimmy hands away from their loot, they're happy. And if they can keep us afraid, and scared of each other even better.

THE REALITY IS that Joe Biden has nothing to do with inflation, what's going on with the economy, or gas prices. No president really does. There are ways he can react, bills that can be passed, but even those things are being fought by the elites.

What did the elites (Tories) in Great Britain do when they came to power? Tried to lower taxes for the corporate ruling class... This cost the PM her job.

But not always. In the US, Biden has tried to give relief to millions of people from the predatory college lending system. Millions of people have been sucked into a vicious cycle of payments they can't afford for a college education that costs too much.

And what have the corporate elites done about it? Well, in the guise of Red State Attorney Generals, they have sued the US Government to stop the Student Loan Forgiveness Program. This IS, elitism of the highest order. A program to HELP people, STOPPED by the Corporate Elites, our new overlords.

But see, here the thing. The Corporate Elite PANICKED when the pandemic happened.

Suddenly, the driving force of the modern economy, China with over 1 Billion people shut down. Then India with over 1 Billion people shut down. Then the USA and Europe with almost 1 Billion people shut down. ALL OF THEIR PROFITS gone, in an instant. And production of new dudahs STOPPED for a very long time.

A big contributor to what occurred with supply chain and production of every little thing being built was Donald Trump's trade wars. Prices were already going up because of forced shortages and increasing costs to make and ship things. People have forgotten this fact.

All of a sudden as the world economy tried to recover from the pandemic, we were faced with shortages and shortages bring increased prices. But remember, Corporations cut production during the shutdowns to save money (and also, because their workers had to stay home.) Increasing production is a viable option to return things back to normal, to bring prices down, to fight high gas prices, to bring down inflation.

But something weird happened. The oligarchs, the corporate elites, decided NOW was the time to profiteer, to make like bandits and make lots of money.

Something else happened at the same time that helped them in this strategy. An oligarchy in Russia decided to take advantage of the situation and take over a country they considered theirs anyway. There are economic reasons why Russia wanted Ukraine. I won't go into those here. Unfortunately for the Russians the Ukrainians didn't fold as they, the Russians hoped and believed. And other Elites, other Oligarchs, took advantage of the situation and decided to play along. So OPEC+ cut oil production to raise prices and get more profits, further increasing inflation.

The pieces were in place then for what is happening here and in Europe. Inflation is up. Energy prices are high. People are facing a double whammy. But it didn't have to be that way.

Katie Porter, Congresswoman, is the only one who is paying attention to the PROFITEERING that is driving a large part of the inflation we're in. And she seems to be the only one speaking out about it. That's a shame. A better messaging campaign by the president and others would communicate to the people what's really going on. But such a campaign is not forthcoming. And as I said at the beginning, most people do not care enough to stop and look at everything analytically.

As a result, the Democrats will probably lose their House Majority and probably lose the Senate as well. We will, once again, be on the road towards authoritarian rule, led by the corporate elites. On the surface, everything will appear normal and most people will be happy. But in reality, REAL FREEDOM will disappear. By this time (which will be as soon as 2024,) I hope to either be dead or move somewhere that still values freedom.