Tuesday, November 09, 2010

MEMO to MSNBC Producers, Could Everyone Please Stop Pissing Me Off?

MEMO to MSNBC Producers, Could Everyone Please Stop Pissing Me Off?

I feel exactly like this!

The most important Human Interest story in years, or recent history and MSNBC mucks it up. What is up with that? Are these people stupid? Don't they understand this is what we want to watch? I ended-up watching Sean Hannity on Fox News, and I normally never watch this program. If MSNBC wants us to take them seriously, how do they expect us to do so when they won't even cover such an important story? Over 1 Billion people around the planet were watching, and MSNBC chose NOT to cover it? Come-on!

So when important events do happen, you're telling me to switch away from MSNBC, right....? I get the message.

This is what I twitted to Keith Olbermann yesterday after his show:

@ Major Fail at . Chile Miner Rescue most important story in the whole world and not one mention on OR
But that's life in the news business. The news executives know best, I guess. And I, the consumer of their product, I am highly disappointed!