Friday, November 19, 2004 (Censorship & propaganda)

This is the pathetic little entity, that NOT only censors news, but also slants it any which way it wants. Two days ago, I watched an attempt from them to explain why the US government recognized F.Y.R.O.M. with its constitutional name, a name that is not accepted by neighboring country Greece (Hellas to those of us in the "know").

I am going to have more about this action later. But my post today is about the way "NewsCentral" slants the news. You know, in totalitarian regimes this is called "Propaganda". I find it hard to believe that most Americans can not believe that "Propaganda" can happen in the USA. It is what happens when the WOOL is PULLED over peoples eyes, and when most people are too fat, dumb and happy to know any different.

People who are not involved, who are not informed and who make no attempt to "know" are condemned to live in ignorance, even as their country crumbles around them.

I will have more about the US unilateral decision later, but for now, be assured, we the "Sons of Alexander" are paying attention. And we have fought too long, and too hard for the freedom of the Hellenic nation to allow US imperialism to dictate to us. And as for all the various propaganda arms of the US Christian Dictatorship now in place, we will continue to point out their untruths and distortions and their propaganda. People MUST BE INFORMED.

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