Thursday, September 30, 2004

Debate Time

It's here. This election's most scripted, best organized, by the book event is finally, tonight. The Presidential Debate. I wonder if we'll learn anything worthwhile tonight. I've already had a bunch of people tell me they won't watch. That tells me one of two things: Either people are disgusted with the whole process, or they have already made up their minds.

Myself? I haven't decided yet who to vote for and I am definitely going to watch tonight's debate.


Anonymous said...

How could you have not decided who to vote for yet! Isn't that contrary to all of your earlier posts?

M.P. Andonee said...

There was always a chance that Kerry might sound like a fool and Bush might actually admit that he lied. If that had happened, I would have had a hard time actually putting my vote next to John Kerry's name.

But that chance has passed. John Kerry DID NOT make any mistakes.

Kerry is RIGHT and Bush is WRONG. It was obvious tonight. Read me comments on the debate to follow.