Monday, September 13, 2004

Personally speaking...

No! I am the Batman...

Seriously though, I am very VERY tired as I worked all weekend long. Doing what you ask? Well, it was a festival, and it was sort of ethnic. I leave it up to discerning readers to figure out what kind of ethnic festival it was. Since I am tired, I am not in too great of a posting mood.

On the other hand, does anyone buy all the explanations we've been getting on this Korean (nuclear?) subject. Me? I have two thoughts on the subject:

If it was a nuclear blast, shouldn't some of the government's KH-11 birds have caught a hint of it from space? I am sure N. Korea is the most photographed country from space in the past 10 years or so. Also, don't nuclear blasts register (even imperceptibly) on some seismic monitor somewhere?

But, even if it is as N. Korea says it is...they must have used some huge quantities of explosives, or some rather large explosives. That by itself is scary (they have explosives that can do that?!!!), and I would dare guess, even as you demolish a whole damn mountain, that action should register on a seismic activity monitor somewhere in that region.

So what are we not being told?

And tell me again how this story first broke? Who leaked what? Why?

Is the wool being pulled over our eyes again? What are we missing here? Or am I being paranoid? You decide...

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