Thursday, September 09, 2004

So, I have been fascinated by the current election process in the United States of America. I am trying to understand what it all means. I am trying to keep up with as many news sources as I can. One of the main news sources I use is CNN. However, a lot of people think that this news organization is too liberal. I also balance my news by reading (and watching) Fox News. Of course, a lot of people think that they are too right wing, too conservative, follow the dictates of the Bush government too closely.

The biggest problem I have with news today is that they try to "balance" all opinions and present all sides to let you decide. The problem with this is that not all opinions are valid, not all sides have merit. In most cases, equality of opinion does not equate to a correct outcome. There is a right and a wrong. Attempting to let people decide what that is can be a huge mistake. Most people want to be told what the "right" side is. They don't want to figure it out for themselves. This is what really bothers me about today's political climate. There is "no" political correctness. To be politically correct is to not offend anybody, even when they are wrong. This does not work in practice. Why? Because people who are wrong, who could be the minority, could influence the majority. And I ask you: Is that morally right?

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