Monday, September 27, 2004

Distracted but not confused. Are you?

It is hard to keep your wits about you, what with all the important news going on around the world. I wonder sometimes, if there were no irrelevant news and the only things reported were the things that mattered to us, if we would be too confused to lead a normal life. OR maybe we'd be informed. How does a story about a motorcyclist going fast and getting a ticket for it rate so high in the news? It's on all the websites. Why is that?

Maybe being distracted is like a drug to some people. "Insulate me from the reality of the world around me," they seem to say. "Keep all the bad news away from me." And maybe, those of us in the blogosphere are the ones that are confused, because we try to crunch so much info and to understand so much of what is around us. OR maybe that is the wrong thing to do in today's security conscious world. Maybe we should all watch our manners and keep our mouths shut like good and responsible citizens. Maybe, we should stop trying to understand the world around us. Maybe, we should give up trying to let the truth out. And then, just maybe, our world would be a better place.

You think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"W" stands for Wrong. Let's hope that women will vote for the right people in this election. Because it does matter!