Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Asymmetrical Warfare

The problem in this country is that neither side wants to talk about any issues. All they want to do is smear each other.

It seems to me that we all felt that the election of 1992 had some similar issues affecting our nation as we see today, though we do have a foreign war and the threat of terrorism hanging over our heads today. At that time though, we all felt that election was so important. I do not remember, if the media had already anointed Clinton the winner, but I do remember long lines at the polls. I was lucky enough to live at an apartment complex next to the polling station. I got home around 6 pm and the line was wrapped around the block. I got in line and voted around 7:30 pm (the polling station closed at 8 pm). I felt elated to had participated in what I thought was an important election for the future of our country. It was important then for the candidates to address the issues affecting us. Two of those candidates did. Ross Perot, although a long shot, did address all the issues that mattered. Clinton picked up the theme from Perot, addressed the issues and ultimately with that focus, won the election. The elder George Bush, I seem to recall, only had time for attack ads.

Now, this election, pits two candidates that nobody can get excited about, against each other. The one from the right has whittled the issues down to a few points:
1) Flip-flop (I swear, I do not own a pair!)
2) If the other guy wins, we'll get attacked again ("The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!" syndrome.)
3) The liberals are attacking our country's morals and principals, they are attacking God.
The focus on these three points is intense. People can mimic, exactly, what they hear in the soundbites or on the TV commercials.

Aside: How come, I don't get to see the candidates up close? How come they don't visit my state? How come they've given up on my state "because it is already decided"? Why do I have to learn from the cable channels what the candidates are really saying? Why do I only see the commercials through news items about them?

Anyway, on to the left. They also have narrowed their focus to a few issues:
1) W stands for "Wrong".
2) The war was wrong and we haven't caught Osama yet.
3) It's the economy stupid (all over again).

So, it's strike and counterstrike. During the Democratic Convention, I heard some fantastic things from the Democrats. They actually focused on issues. They actually had some things to say. A month later, I heard nothing like that from the Republicans. They began their convention with an attack. They ended their convention with more attacks. There were no discussions. There were no issues. There were no solutions.

A vast segment of the population of these Great, United States of America have already made up their minds. The 3 points from the Right has already won them over. Without thought, like automatons, like people that can be led around by a leash (or is it a noose?), they have decided to vote for the guy from the "Right". Even my wife. When I sit down and try to discuss the issues with her, try to explain to her what it all means, why the choices we make in November's election will affect our children's futures, she will come back with things like: "Well,
the Heinz company
moved all these jobs oversees". This, of course, is a total lie.

But see, through the dumping down of America, the "Right" knows how to push the proper psychological buttons of those people who DON'T REALLY WANT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. The "Right" can just say those things that "scare" people about believing anything that the "Right" wants them to believe. The wool is thick and heavy over the eyes of those who do not want to think. It's like pulling a safety blanket on, when it gets cold in a bedroom. It's a reaction the body takes. It's emotional. It is almost primal. But there is NO THINKING behind it. And those who write the attack ads for the "Right" know their art very well.

In this Asymmetrical Warfare, the battle has already been won. Fear has triumphed over reason. And anything I might write in this blog, does not really matter.


Anonymous said...

Don't give up. Truth and decency will prevail. Sooner or later they're going to run out of wool.

The Thinker

Anonymous said...

Fear has only won on the minds of those who don't want to think for themselves. Reason still takes precedence in the minds of those who care about TRUTH and a government that benefits all citizens not just a few.