Saturday, September 25, 2004

Who am I?

I had to post this for the curious and uninitiated. No, my name is not really Pavlos. Yes, I will eventually reveal my real name.

Who was Pavlos Melas? Well, let's just say he was a man after my own heart, a pure man, an honourable man. At heart, he was a freedom fighter. But though he fought for the freedom of his people, he really, truly fought for his ideals. He proved, that ideals CAN NOT die in the transition from adolescence to adulthood. That the ability exists for one man to latch on to an idea and transform himself, that idea, and those around him with it.

I believe very strongly that we are in need of such people today, therefore, my assumed persona is meant to galvanize in a similar fashion as Capetan Zezas did 100 years ago.

Pavlos died of a gun shot wound sustained in an ambush set-up by his enemies, almost exactly 100 years ago today in the Northern part of Greece near a town called Siatista. His sacrifice inspired a nation.

But for me, I feel his sacrifice on a personal level. He taught me that more can be done with less. He taught me that I should rekindle the idealism of youth. He taught me that what I believe in is more important than the propaganda around me and my beliefs must not be subverted by lies. The truth can be hidden but not suppressed. The truth will liberate you because if you believe that the right way is the way then the answer becomes obvious. The sacrifice has not been in vain. The effort was not only honourable but vital.

I have used and I am trying to use his principals to not only revitalize my life, but those around me. Since, I have not yet added a counter to this site, I have no way of knowing if anyone has read, and if they did, if any of the words here have made an impact. I believe that if you affect even one grain of sand, if you change the flight of even one butterfly, you can change the course of history.

The Web is an amazing medium. The Web in time will become a self-aware medium and then through it we will better understand ourselves as residents of this planet. But for now, I take it as my responsibility to try to unearth some of the truth that I believe is being suppressed. I try, with these words, to be a small Pavlos Melas, to pull the wool from people's eyes, to let them peer into what it all means.

Heavy stuff you say? But the reality is, if I don't do it who will? Those who write blogs to further their agenda? Or those that write simply to stroke their pride?

And what if no one cares, what if no one reads it? I am not as vain as that. Because (and the cliche has been said a thousand times) the effort, the journey is what matters. Would anyone remember Pavlos Melas or Gandhi or Che or a thousand other "freedom" fighters if they had never undertaken the journey?

So I undertake the journey, in the hope that IT REALLY DOES MATTER and maybe some day, I will discover my voice through it all.

1 comment:

Itty, Bitty & the Twins said...

Good blog. All the best on your journey of discovery.

Yes, this is a crucial election — not just for the US but also for the rest of the world. Do we want a world of the last four years or is there a better alternative? Should corporate profits be the sole determinant of government policy? Should fear of terrorism be used to make us vote against our best interests? With so many other important issues at stake, why is the media focused on Scott Peterson & Dan Rather?

I think it's sick… and it stinks!!